

The right front tooth grew at last, too! When I put up the breast thanks to the grace, I feel scared. When I do not have a pain in it, there is it, but has a pain in it quite when a tooth proves right by a place. Even if no matter how much the lower tooth grows, I am calm because it is guarded with a tongue, but the upper tooth is what hit it straight. But thus I am anxious about it unless I grow and am glad concerning an identification of of growing up.

It streams down it, and the daughter that a walk is pleasant knocks over a washing basket aside and moves recently while pushing the hand about the top. When an eye matches, I show a smile exceptionally. This is the moment when a face is effeminate.
Then it looks favorite to clap my back straight. I smile when I turn around and swat it straight. Just I high; when move with a high appearance, is accompanied while do its best, and clinging to a back, and is interesting.

I love picture book(絵本), too. When I want you to read in a favorite "completely" though picture book(絵本) is a subject of the dumpling insect, I have it and it is high and gives a picture book to one hand and holds it out here. I need not to seem to get tired even if I read how many times and call it many times every day.
When I get ready for the rice, I am too busy, but am serious when I come to want it care pear to read. I lift picture book(絵本)and cry very much and am considered to be it. Even if draw attention in some others; really. Because is cried all the time, it gives it up once to stand in the kitchen, and read it,; but sweet.

Because I always spend it with 赤ちゃんand two people for such a feeling, I am worried about shyness being intense. I become quiet and cry even if I ask it that I take it forth when looked by the person whom I do not know. Oh, who thinks that who is good because distinction is the evidence dated,; but ...

Laughing Baby (紙を破ると笑う赤ちゃん)

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